Information about Greenmarket

How it works

 Ethical Credentials

All marketplace sellers pledge one or more ways in which they're making the world a better place. We have a comprehensive list of credentials to help you navigate the Green Marketplace.

Green Party Supporter

Shows that this seller is committed to the principles of the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand's charter.

Giving Back

Businesses reinvest into the community and are motivated by a combination of economic, environmental and social goals to drive positive impact.

Respect for the Environment

These businesses have pledged to engage in ways that don’t contribute to habitat loss, species extinction or resource degradation, or products are made responsibly and not made using dangerous chemicals.

Supporting Workers

A truly Green economy uplifts everyone. To earn this pledge businesses need to offer avenues for worker empowerment, such as unions and worker cooperatives.

Social Inclusion

It’s time to make sure the businesses we support are welcoming to everyone - no matter their gender or sex characteristic, their ability, or ethnicity.

Circular Economy

What if instead of worrying about getting rid of rubbish, pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions, waste was designed out of the process all together? Businesses with this pledge practice Circular Economy principles.

NZ Made

Any vendors with this badge make everything right here in Aotearoa! 

Transparent Production

Vendors with this badge are open about where they source their products, pay their workers, and work towards sustainability goals - so you can if they are really committed to doing the right thing. 

Zero Carbon

Aotearoa has aimed to be carbon neutral by 2050. By having net zero carbon emissions, these businesses have pledged to help us get there. Actively managing and reducing greenhouse gas emissions to take action on climate change.

Sustainably Sourced

Businesses with this pledge are leading the charge to create a sustainable world. They take their responsibility as kaitiaki seriously, by refusing to make products from materials that contribute to habitat loss, species extinction, or resource degradation. Excludes organic. 

Social Enterprise

These businesses have been set up with an environmental or social mission to fulfil. They’ll always put their purpose before profit, because that’s what they are here to do. 


If you prefer your products to be free of any synthetic pesticides, GMO modification, and animal testing, then you’ve come to the right place. All vendors with this badge have declared that they only sell organic products. 

Fair Trade

Businesses with this pledge only engage with overseas producers with Fair Trade principles. This means they won’t bring in any products made by child or slave labour, and they make sure all producers from developing countries are paid a fair price and are supported to improve their livelihoods.

Carbon Helper

Sometimes it’s hard to know exactly how to have a low carbon lifestyle. Businesses with this badge offer products or services that will help you to lower your carbon footprint, so we can all do our bit to reduce emissions in Aotearoa! 

Living Wage

Businesses with this pledge understand that in order for everyone to live a life of dignity, they must be paid a  living wage. 


These businesses products do not contain any ingredients derived from animals.

Right to Repair

Every year, thousands of kiwis toss out appliances that could be saved with a simple fix. These businesses pledge to manufacture products that last, or can be easily repaired. 

Artisan Made

There are hundreds of small locally-run businesses and artisans that make awesome, sustainable products right here in Aotearoa - but are overshadowed by large multinational conglomerates. We want to put them back in the spotlight. 
